You can't always get what you want
But sometimes....just sometimes, what you get is just what you want or need. I've got a fairly new (six months or so) slut that I'm enjoying playing with. Where we are now with our play is very far removed in one respect from where we started, but in another we are just exactly where we started. Let me explain. I feel headspace wise we are far removed from where we started, the physical activities are much the same as where we started though we are moving things up a gear every time we session. To get the full picture I have to go back to the beginning. When we first started corresponding about sessioning he admitted he had never seen a Mistress before but had a fair bit of experience with certain activities with a partner and hoped to expand on this. He certainly seemed submissive and wanted to submit. All well and good. Our interests match, we sessioned and both of us had a great time. We seemed to have a good chemistry that worked for both of us in session. He wrote some...