Q & A Monday!
I had this idea, quite a while ago. As it happens I have lots of ideas, and always they rattle about for ages before they come to fruition. What can I say I am a busy woman with many different interests and fet my friend, is just one of them! So the idea was to ask a few of my chaps a list of questions. Not because I didn't know the answer, but because I thought it might be interesting for others out there to realise that what they feel, or how they have felt is something someone else has been feeling too. Alternatively, it can be an opportunity to get another perspective on the different people with whom I engage. So I asked these questions to people who identify on the whole as being submissive, people who identify as masochists and people who identify as fetishists. Bear in mind though that there is usually to a lesser or greater degree a crossover with these different aspects of themselves. Hope you enjoy and find it interesting. Interview with a Wicked Woman! ...