The Evolution of Dominance
I've written before about activity led versus control led sessioning. This blog overlaps somewhat. It more relates to personal relationships than Professional ones though that in itself may overlap too. As I've said before, there are lots of activities I enjoy, some I absolutely love. When I first realised I had a Dominant streak BDSM was not even on my radar. I just knew that in relationships, I liked to be in control, I liked to be the one calling the shots. When I looked at the relationships I had and the men I was drawn to, I noticed I picked men who liked to be with someone like me. I did not have to wrestle with anyone for control, they happily gave up control, and for the most part it worked, and worked well. I've been thinking recently about how I was in the old days when there was not any particular BDSM activity in my life, just the exchange of power and I wonder how I got to where I am now. Don't misunderstand, I enjoy a lot of activities, I just wonder ...