Return of The Mog

Snow may have buggered up my plans for the last week but I did manage to have a huge amount of fun with Mog before we had to cancel the rest of our joint sessions.

First was a day of shooting very hot, up close and personal medical clips with Mog as my patient. As you can see from the pictures, the scenes were pretty full on and pretty intense. We certainly have a rather interesting dynamic going on and I think it shows in the clips and pictures we've done so far. 

After that came sessions. I had no idea how much fun I was going to have, but having a new Dungeon Cat who has a wicked mind and sense of humour was way more interesting than I had first thought. The interaction of a 3rd person, especially one with such a kinky and devious mind makes for a rather defeated, abused but happy male sub.

Having to cancel sessions was a big disappointment especially as we were just getting into the flow of fun. Having said that we have been looking at our diaries to try to reschedule and encourage Mog back to continue the torments. So those that had to be cancelled will have a chance to reschedule and those who couldn't make an appointment last week have now got an opportunity to be our plaything for the duration of your session. Be warned though, while playing two subs off against each other is enormous fun for me….you may well be pushed to your limit with having both of us torment you! Isn't that most male subs dream scenario though?

Anyway, get the date in your diary. We will be offering sessions from Monday 16th April. We may well be filming also so please get your requests in early so we can accommodate you.

And lastly here is a pic taken in session of a poor male sub who was subjected to a lovely hedgehog, and subsequent cropping off after some goading from Mog. 

Lady Annisa


  1. It all sounds amazing, and I am bitterly disappointed that the weather prevented me from joining in the fun. However all is not lost and I can't wait for April to come so that I can experience this unusual double domme team for myself. I hope that I survive the session, but look forward to submitting to you both.

  2. This all sounds utterly marvellous - always exciting to forge a new creative partnership! Here's to much more of this sort of thing...

  3. LA's Lucky Drip24 March 2018 at 11:33

    Who could refuse such an opportunity!

  4. This reminds me I must do a new blog about the said visit in April. I might even get one or two of my chaps to do the same!

  5. LAs Pavlov Sub6 June 2018 at 17:59

    An excellent idea!


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