Happy New Year

Well Hello to 2017.

I cannot believe it's the beginning of a new year and I have no idea where the time has gone.

This time last year saw me planning something big. That something big meant a home move for me twice within the space of the year. Due to the whole upheaval of that, as well as the mental energy needed, many of my plans for my premises had to be put on hold. I just never got round to finalising them.

So for those interested I've still got a few modifications in the pipeline for my place which I'm hoping will definitely be completed sometime this year. Now that I've got my moves out of the way I can get back to giving my time to the planning and implementing of such endeavours.

One of my chaps had mentioned to me in session sometime in December that he thought I had been a bit lazy this year with my usual physical challenges! Don't worry dear reader, I made sure my idleness stopped there and then with the treatment (below) to his nether regions! 

However, I do concede he has a point. With that in mind I've once again embarked on my running challenge in January and as of day 2 it's going well. This challenge for those unaware is for me to run for 3 miles every day in January come hail or shine. The distance is never a challenge but getting up and heading out in all weathers is. Especially as on the odd occasion I've had to head out at 6am to fit it in to my very full and packed day. Fingers crossed I make it to day 31 again. As before, if anyone wants to join me then grab your trainers (we can let you off with the first few days). But if you're not feeling that energetic or inspired then how about making a point of adding to my fundraising for it. As usual I will have a Marie Curie box in my premises for anyone wishing to physically donate or you can get in touch and I will give you my paypal address for you to do it online. I'd be super delighted if I managed to outdo my total raised in the last few years. 

Next I am undertaking a fire-walk, surely that is both a physical and mental challenge? 

I'm also thinking of another big challenge this year which will probably be around September or October time. I just need to find the right one for me. I'm looking for something that will push me physically and mentally as I don't want it to be like some sort of jolly pampered trip. I've got my eye on something I just need to clarify one or two things with the organisers before going gung ho into it. Those who come to see me know how prepared I like to be for any challenge! 

In other news I've made a big latex order that will be arriving probably some time at the end of January. I don't want to spoil the surprise but there are one or two items that will delight the latex lover who also has a medical or bondage interest!

Lastly I'm hoping to be a bit more prolific with my posting this year. Having said that, I think that's always something I fall short on. But hey as I always say, it's always better to be doing the kinky stuff instead of talking about doing the kinky stuff!

And on that note I shall head off to look at what is on sale at my favourite bondage shop Fetters.

Keep kinky!

Lady Annisa


  1. Happy New Year Lady Annisa! I hope the running is going well... I'm envious of your commitment! Best wishes for 2017...


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