It's Not All Bad Medicine You Know!
As some of you know, I had the pleasure of sessioning with the lovely Rebekka Raynor recently. In between beatings and the bad slave ripping off his rubber restraints (well it was a rather sadistic session!) she happened to mention that she'd had a conversation with someone recently who was under the impression that I only conduct medical sessions these days. I can understand why that misconception has arisen. I do post a lot of medical pictures on twitter and even my blog posts lean heavily towards the medical side. To be honest, over the years my medical session have certainly increased as I've invested more in my clinic. However, I very much still conduct and thoroughly enjoy my other sessions too. I was wondering why my pictures give the impression of medical only. One conclusion I came up with is that the sessions themselves can in some ways be quite different. The energy is different. In the dungeon I can be fast paced, moving from one piece of kit to the nex...