Busy with Bondage Adventures

Oh and other stuff.

I've had a mad crazy time of it over the past few weeks. As my readers know I had a visit from The Hunteress and we invited suitable candidates to come and entertain us, or at least let us entertain ourselves with them. That surely happened.

From a rather intense interrogation scene, to ballbusting, Cp, sissy humiliation and much more. I have to tell you I had a well earned rest for a day or so once my visitor had gone. I'm not sure how long it took our gentlemen to recover though. Things were so full on and so involved I didn't even get a chance to take any in session photographs...never mind, next time. And talking of next time, we were quite busy this time and one or two gentlemen never got a chance to book in a session with us so we've decided to repeat the experience again in the summer. We are looking at perhaps July time, so if you want to be considered you best register your interest early!

My next adventure involves one of my bondage heroes whom I talked about in This Blog. The universe is looking favourably upon me these days and so far I've managed to meet and film with 2 of my all time bondage heroes. Last week I got to meet the makers of Serious Bondage, as well as Serious Images and Serious Male Bondage. Not forgetting the fabulously flexible and masochistic Elise Graves. You guys will just have to hold tight before you can sample any of the photographs or clips from the shoots we did that day. As well as using one of my bondage slaves in a dungeon scenario, I got to torment and tease Elise in a few crazy medical scenarios. It was way too much fun to be considered work! Again it's too early for me to have photographs of the shenanigans we got up to but in the meantime here's a delightful pic of one of my bondage slaves taken on another day...:)

Lady Annisa


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