
I've decided to write a blog to explain why I've not been writing blogs....ohh the irony! So this is the long drawn out version, it may well get boring. The short version is I was spending too much time online. Right you can go back to your book now, or if your book is boring then the rest of this post might be marginally less so. The choice is yours...:)

As my readers will be aware I've taken a bit of a break from posting on twitter and doing blogs. With that has come some concern from quite a number of my regular visitors. I've had concerned emails and lots of chats pre-session with people wondering what's going on. Firstly let me say that contrary to some worry, I'm not anywhere near retiring, quite the opposite. I'm actually very busy these days with sessions and have had to sadly turn people away as it's not been possible to fit everyone in and also keep myself sane. So nope, I'm not going anywhere.

Having said that I've got a very exciting, but very hush hush vanilla opportunity to be involved in something that I will be talking about and remembering for an infinite amount of years to come. This will be quite intense and will take up a fair bit of my time until at least the first week in August. After that I'll have a few weeks of normality before I take a well earned holiday that will see me away for the best part of a month I expect. So for those visitors who normally come and see me just at festival time, be warned, my time is super limited this year so best make contact early.

So back to the blog and twitter. As anyone who has ever had a conversation with me about social media knows I have mixed feelings about it. More so twitter than my blog. I find the concept of 6000 followers odd. Especially as I'm well aware that only a handful of those followers actually do follow and read what I post. I find it very vacuous at times but I can be just as guilty. Even though I follow about 150 tweets I probably only read and enjoy a handful. I have made some good connections via twitter, but mostly what I see on my twitter feed is people promoting themselves, their sites or their clips. This for many feels right and I hold no judgement about that. In fact I'm not immune to this kind of tweeting. I've done a bit of promoting my clips but like a lot of online marketing there is never any way of quantifying how well that is received and if it actually ends in any purchase. I've come to the conclusion after probably about 6 weeks of not being regularly on twitter that it makes no difference to my clip sales whatsoever. They have stayed static for the last year or so on a month by month basis and my clip store is still number one in the category of Medical Clinic. I've realised that twitter adds nothing of benefit from that perspective. I still see the advantage of it. I will no doubt still tweet and still interact with other Mistresses who I follow if I happen to catch one of their updates. I am still a big fan of those fellow Mistresses who are supportive and friendly. But my days of spending more than a minute or two glancing at it are gone.

This brings me onto another problem with twitter and other forms of social networking. I could easily lose a good few hours if I clicked on a link, which led me to another link which in turn led me to another link. I'm sure we've all been there. Days when you had quite a productive day planned and when you looked back you realised that online surfing had snatched away a good chunk of it and you never managed to accomplish half of what you set out to do. Well with my step back from online stuff I've found I have now got so much more time to do my regular vanilla hobbies that I'd let slip a bit. It's been great rekindling the passion I have for one or two aspects to my life that actually add something positive.

The blog however has always felt different to me. It feels more authentically me. More indepth, obviously, but because of the unrestricted medium I'm able to show more of my personality than 140 characters can do. I get to spew forth my nonsense in a rather more free flowing carefree way. I've never enjoyed being restrained!

Although the followers are only in double digits I know it is read and well received. Many people who come to see me take the opportunity to ask about certain blogs and talk about how much they enjoy it. Also lots of you guys love to see your pictures either in my rogues gallery or as a blog post. There is a bit of the narcissist about some of you exhibitionist types!

So blogs will continue but perhaps due to my limited online time they will become a bit more sporadic. I'm sure you'll cope admirably.

Now if you've made it this far I'll give you a little snippet or two of news. I managed again to run the Edinburgh half marathon last week and delighted myself by managing to shave 12 minutes off my time from last year, once I take off the time I spent on a toilet break. Why is there always a queue for the ladies? Bloody and sore feet were the result after the 13.1 miles, but I think it was worth it to be able to say yet again that I did it! Thank you to all those who sponsored me, it's very much appreciated and I'm always humbled by your generosity.

In other news. There has been a little bit of modification done in my dungeon chambers which now allows for some very interesting predicament bondage scenarios as well as increasing the potential for the suspension. I won't spoil the surprise but lets just say my imagination has been running wild with the possibilities and already this week I've managed to try out a few of them. What can I say other than I had a massive smile on my face when it all came together. The modifications couldn't have been achieved without the help of a very handy slave who gave up quite a number of his hours to spend at the dungeon armed with his trusty drill and my ever expanding tool box. A massive thanks goes to him for all the effort he has put in....I'm sure all my visitors will be thankful to him too, probably!

As I said I don't want to spoil the surprise so rather than post a picture of the modifications I'm going to put up this picture of another type of predicament bondage that I enjoyed recently.

Until next time....keep kinky!

Lady Annisa
My Medical Clips4Sale Store


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