Happy New Year!

Not a very witty post title I know, but it says it all. I hope you all had a good New Year celebration and wish you all the health, happiness and perviness in 2014.

Right moving onto me, tis all about me surely, isn't it?

Well I've had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Catching up with friends, family and managing to fit in a few pervy sessions in between. I always find a few sessions between the two holidays helps keep me sane and stops me from overloading on family and food.

This is normally the time when I put forth my plans for the coming year, both personal and professional. This year is no different so here goes.

I'll start with my personal plans. My plans for a cycle charity challenge have been knocked on the head as that particular challenge is no longer being run (or even cycled!) So the one I'm most probably going to do is another trek but it's planned for 2015. A bit of a nuisance having to wait so in the meantime I've decided to concentrate on my running. I'm not a super fast runner, in fact not fast at all. So in 2014 I've challenged myself to run as many races as I can and to try to improve on my personal best. If nothing else it will keep me fit in the interim until I start training for my trek.

As for pervy plans....you know....the ones you really want to read about. Well I'm continuing to film and have done some fun films with a few other amazing Dommes. I'd be up for filming with anyone else if the opportunity arose but in the meantime I'm on the hunt for a very reliable film slave or two. I've got one or two people who I trust and love filming with but they cannot always be available. So I'm offering up the chance to anyone else who is able and willing to give me some time for some interesting scenes of a medical nature. As always, I have a list of criteria so I'm going to do a separate blog to thrash all that out.

I'm continuing to add to my bondage gear and have a few things on order to be used in the new year which I'm excited about. I shall keep those secret until they arrive though. There is also one other piece of kit that I've been toying with buying for a while. As I've said in the past I usually take my time now thinking about larger purchases to avoid buying on a whim. When something keeps popping into my head time and again it usually means it will pique my interest enough in sessions to justify the expense. So watch this space with this one. I know I'm not giving much away here but hey it's my blog and I can do what I like....:)

I'll finish off with a pic from one of my sessions between Xmas and New Year. His nipples were tied off to the retort clamp on the drip stand, which meant I could lower the electric bed just a tad to increase the tension! This is for R as I know he doesn't read twitter so he is unlikely to see his predicament there!

Here's to another fun filled year of perviness!

Lady Annisa
My Medical Clips4Sale Store


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