New Website

I've been working on my new website for some time now as some of you know. I feel as if I've done nothing but live, eat and breathe this website for months now. And after all that work, what have I produced? Well it looks like I've produced something very similar to my previous site, and perhaps the one before. Maybe I have no imagination, or maybe I know what I like. Well I certainly know what I like. Getting it to translate onto something on my screen has not always been easy or manageable. With some of the layout, colour and visuals I feel quite frustrated as I'm no expert, which means I end up compromising and going with what I can make happen on the screen.

I've had some very valued input from someone who knows an awful lot more than me about the technical side of things, and very grateful for that input I am too, especially as this person has a busy life too. Having said that, I want to stand on my own two feet with my website.  I want to do as much of it as I can. I feel that with this one I'm getting much closer to what I really want. I managed I think to do about 80% of the work, with my advisor putting in about 20%, but maybe he would disagree. I still strive for a time when the site is 100% me. What I would say though is the content is 100% me, every last word. That was the driving force behind the change of website. With my previous site I was limited in the amount of text I had on the pages. This meant that some of what I thought was essential text had to be condensed. I'm never one to write 5 words when 500 will do! This was a limitation that didn't sit well with me. I want a site that says everything I want it to say about me. Some may say it's too lengthy, some may say that there will be people who never read it. That's fine, those that never read it will never come to see me anyway. It's a sort of two way selection process. If someone thinks my site is too verbose then they can count me off from their list of potential Mistresses....simples as Aleksandr Orlov would say! 

I still have a few things to tweak with the site and that will continue for the next few days. I do intend though to evolve the site. When I have more time, probably more realistically the winter when I'm back from my break, I intend to change and evolve the visuals. Time seems to be slipping away from me this year. However, better to be busy than sitting twiddling my thumbs....that's when I start to get evil ideas!


  1. May I compliment you on both the content and the very professional appearance of your new website. I feel sure that it will attract the sort of clients that you are seeking.

  2. Thank you so much for your kind comments John...:)


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