Sutures, Surgery and Limited Availability

Further to my last post, I'd just like to thank everyone for their concern. I've had lots of email contacts asking after me following my head hitting the bar incident. I'm totally fine, 100% and have been since at least 10 minutes after it happened. Whether I appear sane and lucid is another story! The sutures have now been removed and my rather fetching blue highlights have gone....purple is more my colour anyway!

Ok on to the Surgery now. I'm booked in for planned surgery on January 9th. I'll be in hospital for 2 days but have been told that I may need to stay off work for at least 3 weeks. Given I'm such a good patient (ok, maybe not so good with giving up control, but good with the pain side of things) then I'm thinking and hoping I might be back sessioning rather sooner than that. Given that, and the holiday season, I may well have limited availability until the end of January now. Even when I do come back to sessioning, I'm guessing that full on energetic sessions where I climb all over the furniture, swing from the suspension and have near death experiences with overhead gantry's might be out for a while....I'll just have to opt for foot worship and grape peeling sessions.......


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