To Do Lists
Anyone who knows me will testify I live my life by my to do list. Not one single thing is organised in my life without a to do list. Even my blogs have a journal to write down all the ideas I have on blog posts 'to do' in the future. However I'm beginning to see how sometimes to do lists become something of a burden so in recent months I've decided to rename them to re-frame them. They are now my 'Want To Do' list. This makes the things on the list less of a burden and more of an enjoyment. Mental trickery aside, I have wanted to do a session 'Want To Do' list that I think will bring me (and hopefully those involved) a lot of fun this year. So here are the things that I will definitely have on my session 'Want to do list' 1. More bondage. Is that a surprise? No, I guess not. I do enjoy my bondage and more so in the last year when I've done a lot of extended 4 hour sessions. However, this year I want to do at least one 6 hour sess...